Top 6 Reasons Why Cloud Accounting is Good for Business
(1) It’s more Secure If your desktop gets destroyed in a natural disaster or if you manage to spill coffee all over your laptop no worries your accounting software and data are safe in the cloud just log in from any device. (2) Updates and Backups are Automatic That's connected to the Internet and you're back up and running as usual you'll always have the most up-to-date version of the software and you don't have to worry about remembering to back up your data. (3) When was the last time you backed up your accounting files There's no need to share your login and password everyone gets their own and you decide what permission level to give each person for instance you can give your accountant access to everything while your sales reps only get to use invoicing and Accounts Payable. (4) Everyone Sees the latest information at the same time Forget about having to wait until so-and-so is done with the accounting computer to get in there and check l...