How to Manage a Restaurant Balance Sheet?
A restaurant balance sheet lists out a restaurant’s assets, liabilities, and equity at a given point in time. This statement can be used to forecast short and long-term cash flow and assess the overall financial health of the restaurant.
Overall, maintaining a restaurant balance sheet allows you to simultaneously verify the accuracy of a profit and loss statement while getting a more holistic view of the restaurant’s financial health.
What is a Restaurant Balance Sheet?
A financial statement is not just designed for the business or
entrepreneur. Shareholders, employees, management, bankers, suppliers,
and other interested stakeholders will peep into the statements or
demand the document regularly to make crucial decisions. The statements
will also be crucial for accurate tax returns preparation and other statutory filings. Several elements must be captured in the statement so that it can serve the intended purpose.
Here are the basic elements of any financial statement
These are resources owned and controlled by the business for which
present or future benefits may flow to the business. When balancing the
accounting equation, asset value will be the difference between equity
and liabilities. Examples of assets include computers, land, cash,
inventories, goodwill, prepaid expenses, and property, among others.
Liabilities are obligations that the business must meet. They cause
resources to flow out of the business or devalue your assets.
Liabilities may be current, such that you have to settle them in 12
months or non-current- to be settled after 12 months. Examples of
liabilities include bank loans, tax payables, overdrafts, borrowing from
parent companies, and salaries payable, among others.
Revenues are defined as an increase in the inflow of cash, enhancement
in value of assets, or reduction in liability. All these actions lead to
an improved equity position. Some of the revenues to be entered in your
statement include sales, receipt of dividends, interests from bank
deposits, and provision of services, among other activities.
Expenses refer to a reduction in economic benefit or asset value that
affects your equity position. It has an outflow effect and is timed. The
entry has to be made accurately so that you can calculate the
return-on-investment or break-even-point for a product or business. Some
of the expense items include salaries, depreciation, tax, marketing
cost, internet, and allowances, among others.
It is regarded as what a business owes its owners. It is calculated as
the value of business once its assets have been used to clear
liabilities. Simply put, it is the difference between liabilities and
A financial statement will depend on business needs and the type of business you are running. online accounting services
will help you to capture all the elements that define your business.
The other elements you will find in a statement include losses, gains,
distribution to owners, investments by owners, and such other elements.
Each business should have customized statements that reflect individual
Read More : Choosing the Right Accounting For Restaurants
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